3 years of experience in project development in C,C++,Java, MYSQL, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, JQuery, JavaScript, AJAX, JavaScript, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS, Javascript, JQuery,React, NodeJs( Express ,Hapi )Frameworks
Description: Ingress Defi is a platform to invest crypto currencies and purchase the NFT images and Sell the NFT images ,Music, Videos
Role: Support the Site, Diagnosed technical issues.
Languages: Angular, Nodejs, JavaScript
Framework: MEAN
Database: MongoDB
Description: Bitcoiva is platform to trade (buy/sell) crypto currencies.
Role: Support the Site, Diagnosed technical issues.
Languages: React,Nodejs, HTML, JavaScript
Framework: MEAN
Database: MongoDB
Description: CryptoKitties is a N FT platform to buy and sell NFT kitties.
Role: Built and maintained the software, Diagnosed technical issues.
Languages: React, Nodejs, HTML, JavaScript
Framework: MEAN
Database: MongoDB
Description: Sports On Chain Web
Role: Support and maintained the software, Diagnosed technical issues.
Languages: Angular, Nodejs, HTML, JavaScript
Framework: MEAN
Database: MongoDB
Description: Parifi is a platform to trade (buy/sell) crypto currencies and Swap and Liqudity the Crypto Assets.
Role: Built and maintained the software, Diagnosed technical issues.
Languages: React, Nodejs, HTML, JavaScript
Framework: MERN
Database: MongoDB
Description: NFT Moon Metaverse is a platform for Stake the token for several plan and earn the stake rewards.
Role: Built and maintained the software, Diagnosed technical issues.
Languages: React, Nodejs, HTML, JavaScript
Framework: MERN
Database: MongoDB
Description: Chape is a platform for Chat and Date the People
Role: Support and maintained the software, Diagnosed technical issues.
Languages: Kotlin, NodeJs
Framework: Android
Database: MYSQL
Description: Eros is a platform for Chat and Date the People
Role: Support and maintained the software, Diagnosed technical issues.
Languages: Kotlin, NodeJs
Framework: Android
Database: MYSQL
Description: Cuprum Coin Explorer is crypto platform to send and Recive the CUC coin and watch the transaction in cuprumcoin site
Role: Built and maintained the software, Diagnosed technical issues.
Languages: Angular, Nodejs, HTML, JavaScript
Framework: MEAN
Database: MongoDB
Description: Web3 Utility Platform is ICO (Initial Coin Offering) and Distribute the coin to the Users.
Role: Built and maintained the software, Diagnosed technical issues.
Languages: Angular, Nodejs, HTML, JavaScript
Framework: MEAN
Database: MongoDB