Custom Online Learning Platform for Skill Development


  • Course Catalog: Display available courses with descriptions, instructors, and pricing.
  • User Dashboard: Users can track enrolled courses, completed modules, and receive certifications after course completion.
  • Quizzes & Assessments: Integrated quiz system to evaluate users after each course module.
  • Video Hosting: Stream course videos with options for subtitles or different quality settings.
  • Progress Tracking: Monitor progress through each course with completion percentages and milestones.
  • User Interface: Clean, modern design with a mobile-friendly layout.
  • Support: Provide support documentation for instructors and students.


  • Complete online learning platform
  • Source code and documentation
  • 1 month of post-launch support

Timeline: 8 weeks

Technologies Used:

  • Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Vue.js
  • Backend: Node.js, Express.js
  • Database: MongoDB
  • Video Hosting: AWS S3 or Vimeo API for video streaming
  • Quizzes: Custom-built or using a third-party tool like Typeform API
  • Deployment: DigitalOcean or AWS
  • Authentication: OAuth 2.0 or JWT (for secure user logins)
Skills required

Job Activity

Total Bids: 3

Average Bid: $1,400.00



3    Bids

About This Client

Marc S.

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1 jobs posted
$0.00 Total Spent
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