Custom Task Management Application

Key Features:

  1. Task Management:

    • Create, assign, and track tasks with details such as deadlines, priorities, and descriptions.
  2. Project Tracking:

    • Manage multiple projects with the ability to view tasks and progress on a project timeline or Kanban board.
  3. Team Collaboration:

    • Allow team members to comment on tasks, upload files, and track changes.
  4. Notifications & Reminders:

    • Send notifications and reminders for upcoming deadlines, task updates, and project milestones.
  5. Reporting:

    • Generate reports on task completion rates, project progress, and team performance.
  6. User Roles & Permissions:

    • Implement role-based access to manage permissions for different user roles (e.g., admin, manager, team member).
  7. Integration with Calendar:

    • Integrate with calendar systems to sync deadlines and reminders.
  8. Responsive Design:

    • Ensure the application is mobile-friendly and accessible on various devices.

    Required Skills:

    • Proficiency in JavaScript, HTML5, and CSS3, with experience in frameworks like React or Angular.
    • Experience with Node.js, Django, or Ruby on Rails for server-side logic and database management.
    • Knowledge of databases such as PostgreSQL or MySQL for storing task and project data.
    • Ability to integrate with calendar APIs and other third-party tools.
    • Ability to design and develop responsive web applications for various devices.

    Skills required

    Job Activity

    Total Bids: 2

    Average Bid: $1,125.00



    2    Bids

    About This Client

    Marko J.

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