Full Stack SOLO Developer Needed for B2B Programmatic and AI Recruitment SaaS MVP Development

I am seeking a skilled solo Full Stack Developer to bring my B2B SaaS platform to life. The Figma designs are ready but represent about 80% of the final vision. I’m looking for someone with strong UX experience who can take these designs as a foundation and refine them further, ensuring the final product has a polished, professional look. The project focuses on building the MVP version, so development time needs to be optimized without compromising on quality. The SaaS is an AI-powered recruitment software designed to help companies secure the top 1% of talent when they post a job.

Please note that I’m specifically looking for a solo developer and not an agency or large team, as I believe this will allow us to move faster. However, it’s important that you are not currently handling any large, demanding projects that could impact your ability to focus on this work.

While this project is currently focused on developing the MVP, it has significant growth potential. If the platform proves successful, I intend to continue working long-term on this project, making it a potential ongoing collaboration for the right developer. Additionally, this is not just an AI wrapper SaaS; it's a complete B2B SaaS platform, with AI being one of the key components that will enhance the system's robustness."

Project Overview:
The SaaS platform is designed to streamline the hiring process for businesses, with a strong emphasis on filtering and presenting only high-quality candidates. Key features include customizable job posting, automated applicant filtering, and a user-friendly interface for both clients and applicants. The platform will leverage AI, particularly OpenAI's API, so proficiency in this area is essential.

Key Responsibilities:

Develop the MVP version of the platform based on detailed Figma designs.
Implement core features including customizable assessments, automated candidate screening, and leaderboard functionality.
Ensure a smooth user experience on both the frontend and backend.
Integrate necessary third-party APIs, with a focus on OpenAI for AI functionality.
Implement security protocols to ensure data protection and compliance with relevant regulations (e.g., GDPR).
Conduct thorough testing to ensure the platform is bug-free and functions as intended.
Provide documentation for the codebase and any APIs developed.
Technical Requirements:

Frontend Development: Proficiency in React, Angular, Vue.js, or WordPress.
Backend Development: Strong knowledge of Node.js, Python, Ruby on Rails, or Laravel.
Database Management: Experience with MySQL, PostgreSQL, or MongoDB.
Cloud Services: Experience with AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud for deployment and scalability.
Version Control: Proficient with Git/GitHub for version control.
Security: Understanding of cybersecurity best practices to protect user data.
Preferred Qualifications:

Experience in developing and launching SaaS platforms.
Strong communication skills and the ability to provide regular progress updates.
Experience with agile development methodologies.
Experience with AI and integrating AI technologies.
Project Timeline:
The goal is to have the MVP ready within 6-8 weeks.

How to Apply:
To apply for this work, your proposal should have the following 8 parts: Part A, B, C, D, E, F, G, and H.

Part 1: Title this part "Part A of my proposal."
VERY IMPORTANT: To apply for this job, please start your proposal with the entire sentences / paragraph /content  from the voice-over between timestamps 2:42 to 3:12 in this link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1skko60VhBwAkiNVqrRMukONu7lcvl6RP/view?usp=sharing

Part 2: Title this part "Part B of my proposal."
Utilize Google's reverse image search feature by referring to this guide: https://drive.google.com/file/d/152zUUTLBIXK0wkDaiguJFtJLS9U3idwT/view?usp=sharing. Download the image from the link provided and perform the image search. Provide the individual's name associated with the link in this exact format:

Name of person on the image
High school graduation year, first university attended, and start year
Father's name and year of birth
Mother's name and date of birth
Month of birth - for the person on the image and their country of birth

Here is an Example of how you should format , assuming it was Barrack Obama on the image

Name of person on the image: Barack Obama

High school graduation year, first university attended, and start year:
Graduated from high school in 1979, Occidental College, started attending in 1979.

Father's name and year of birth:
His father's name is Barack Obama Sr., born in 1936.

Mother's name and date of birth:
His mother's name is Stanley Ann Dunham, born on 29/11/1942.

Month of birth and country of birth:
Born in August in the United States.
Part 3: Title this part "Part C of my proposal."
Answer this simple question: "What is the longest river in the world, how many kilometers long is it, and where does it drain into?"

Part 4: Title this part "Part D of my proposal."
Please provide a brief overview of your experience and any relevant portfolio work. If you have built SaaS platforms or multiple SaaS platforms before, please share them along with the development timeline.

When providing links to the SaaS platforms you’ve built, include the link to the pricing page followed by the duration it took to develop. For example, if you developed https://vidico.com/, please format it as follows:

https://vidico.com/pricing/ - Took me 3 months to develop.

Please ensure you link directly to the pricing page, not the homepage. This allows me to easily review both the pricing page and the homepage of the project.

Hold on: A Bit About Me before you get to Parts 5, 6, 7, 8.

Hello, I’m Mike. Over the last six years, I’ve worked with more than 800 freelancers and agencies. I’m highly focused and determined, and I’m looking for someone who can match my energy and drive. While I’m open to working with agencies, please note that I’m very experienced in hiring and take the process very seriously. I’ve encountered situations where agencies deliver impressive pitches but then delegate the work to an intern. I’m very careful about this and won’t allow it, respectfully.

If you’re managing other demanding projects simultaneously, we might not be the best fit. I’m extremely hands-on and committed, willing to work from Monday to Sunday without breaks if necessary. I’m always available for clarification—just a Google Meet away. We will work directly together, and I will support you as much as you need.

The budget is flexible, so if an increase is needed for specific milestones, I’m open to discussing it. I’m looking for someone who is dedicated, hardworking, passionate about software, and truly values their work. I don’t tolerate time-wasters; I need someone who is diligent, execution-focused, and mindful of deadlines so that we can tackle this project successfully.

Once I reach out to you and believe you’re a good fit, and if you’ve answered all the application questions well, I will send you the Figma files, and we can discuss the timeline. Ideally, I’d like to get the project done within eight weeks once we start, so you need to be very disciplined and focused. I’m available 12 hours a day on Upwork for communication and support, so I need someone who can take this very seriously. Now you can proceed.

Part 5 of Your Proposal
Title this part: "Part E of my proposal."
Question: "Which is better, using OpenAI or using your own trained AI model?"

Part 6 of Your Proposal
Title this part: "Part F of my proposal."
Question: "Why did you apply for this job?"

Part 7 of Your Proposal
Title this part: "Part G of your proposal."
Question: "What makes you a good fit for this job?"

Part 8 of Your Proposal

Please title this section: "Part H of your proposal."

Development Approach:
I would like the landing pages to be built using WordPress, with a theme like Elementor that we can customize according to the Figma designs. The primary reason for choosing WordPress is my focus on content marketing—WordPress will allow me to publish articles easily and make text edits without needing to involve a developer.

For the front end, I prefer using React, and for the back end, Node.js. If you have any front-end or back-end UX libraries or templates that can be customized to align with my Figma concepts, I’m open to using them to save development time. I’m comfortable with this approach if it helps streamline the process.

Does this development plan align with your approach? Additionally, please consider this scenario: If I were to ask you to create a simple landing page or site where a user is presented with a question like "What is the tallest mountain in the world?" and inputs their answer into a text box, the system would use the ChatGPT API to verify the answer. If the answer is correct (e.g., Mount Everest), it would display "Green light - answer is correct"; if incorrect, it would show "Red light - wrong answer."

Assume this is a basic landing page with no user login required, just a CAPTCHA to prevent bots from exhausting our API credits. How long would it take you to develop such a page? Would it be a matter of hours, days, weeks, or 2+ months?

Please note, while I will provide as much support as possible, I need you to be dedicated and execution-focused.
Skills required

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Total Bids: 5

Average Bid: $4,550.00



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About This Client

Reza M.

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