Laravel LMS wit filament Admin and Inertia frontend

We are searching a freelancer to join us in creating a small application for our system, We would like to be able to develop a separate application where we can create presentation, in text or picture way which one could skip through or with an PDF presentation.

After this there is an quiz from multiple questions and an certificate generated from an PDF template.

We would like to keep the application small and simple, with focus on simple eLearning. Your task will be to create mainly the frontend, filament page for administration of the courses. We will provide you a full filament admin demo with user management.

if you are interested we would be glad if you could respond with your profile and a small UI demo of an view of the application - please select one page which you would find appropriate.

the techstack is as given - Laravel (as framework), frontend can be either in livewire or in react with inertia in combination
Skills required

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Total Bids: 3

Average Bid: $550.00



3    Bids

About This Client

Henrik J.

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