Job Post: School Bus Management System Development
We are seeking a freelancer to develop a School Bus Management System for iOS and Android, featuring multiple user types: Super Admin, School Admin, Parents, and Drivers. We need someone who has worked on a similar system before or can provide a ready-made software clone that can be easily edited and customized. No need to develop the UI from scratch—there are various pre-existing designs that can be used.
Key Features:
Parent App:
Create & Edit profiles:
Parents can create & edit profiles for their kids by updating their information and addresses.
GPS live Tracking
parents will be able to view the location of buses on the map via the GPS real-time tracking feature implemented in the application
Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA):
Parents can know the estimation of the time in which the school bus will arrive at the drop-off location.
In-App Alert:
Parents will receive constant notifications with respect to the pick-up and drop-off details, & arriving soon notification.
Driver App:
Driver Profile
Each driver can creates a profile. The profile details include the name, contact number, and bus number.
Live Navigation
The driver will be guided throughout the travel by live navigation. Once the ride starts, the driver will follow the directions displayed on the map.
Push Notifications
Drivers will receive alerts and notifications from admins.
Pick up / Drop off Log
Each time the driver picks up or drops off a student, the time at which the child onboards or exits the bus, can be logged into the transportation app by simply tapping a button on the screen.
Drivers can seamlessly navigate to each bus stop to pick up students via google maps navigation. This way, they can find the best and shortest route
School Admin .
Track Buses
The management can check whether the buses are in line with the assigned routes by tracking them via the live tracking feature.
In-app Chat
Similar to the parent app and the driver app, the school management panel will also have a chat feature. They can communicate with parents and drivers and provide assistance.
Monitor buses
School admins will be able to view the whereabouts and activities of the entire fleet of buses in transit picking up and dropping students..
Super Admin
Track Vehicle
The admin can have an eye on the location of the vehicle by monitoring them via the tracking feature.
The admin can know about the performance of the app along with various intricacies like the number of trips, timing details, and other
usage statistics.
Content Management System
Super admins will be able to modify the smartphone application's content. Text, images and videos can be changed.
Alter Codes
The fundamental codes of the application can be edited for the purpose of adding new features or updating the software.
Super admins can get an overall view of all the processes occurring within the app, monitor storage loads, data loads and more.
Custom Notifications
Super admins can send custom notifications to all of the app users - school admins, drivers and parents.
If you've worked on a similar project we want to hear from you! Speed and efficiency are key, so ready-made solutions with minor customizations are highly preferred.
Please Google the topic: school bus management system to have an idea about the project before reply.