Skilled Web Developer Needed for Elementor/WordPress Project -Air Quality Services Website

Design & Development: Create a modern, user-friendly website inspired by the design and functionality of Slash Creative’s Gatre theme.

Location Pages Development

• Town-Specific Pages: Develop 36 individual town-specific pages.
• Service Highlight for Each Town: For each town, create pages for 3 main services. Each service will have its own template, which will be consistently used across all towns. You will provide the content and some of the images for these pages, and the freelancer will upload them.

Essential Pages Implementation

• Core Pages: Implement the following key pages:
• Home
• About Us
• Contact Us
• Our Services (including 12 detailed service pages)
        ALSO 1 page for Completed Projects
• Town-location pages (36 in total, with 3 services per town)
• Blog section
• Terms and Conditions
• Cookies Policy
• Privacy Policy
• Service Areas page

Online Scheduling Plugin Integration

• Booking System: Integrate an online scheduling plugin similar to the one used on VentlyAir to facilitate easy service bookings.

Map Integration

• Location Maps: Incorporate maps with town-specific pins on each location page.
• Local Content: Include local pictures and interesting facts for each town, with content provided by you. The freelancer may also assist in sourcing additional images using a subscription service.

Cross-Platform Optimization (Responsive Design)

• Responsive Design: Ensure the website is fully responsive, providing an optimal user experience across all devices, including mobile, tablet, and desktop.

Performance Optimization

• Speed & Performance: Optimize the website to minimize load times and enhance overall performance.

Revision Policy

• Unlimited Revisions: Allow for unlimited revisions within the project scope to ensure complete satisfaction.

Freelancer Requirements

• Resource Access: The freelancer should assist with sourcing additional images as needed, and must have access to Canva Plus, Shutterstock, or a similar subscription service for high-quality visuals.
• Branding: WE will provide the branding elements to be used across the website.
Skills required

Job Activity

Total Bids: 5

Average Bid: $340.00



5    Bids

About This Client

Ahmed E.

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1 jobs posted
$0.00 Total Spent
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