URGENT Shopify Website Gift Card Promotion Implementation

This project is very time sensitive and needs to be completed as quickly as possible.


CIA Gift Plan: Done by AUG 17

What the customer should see
As soon as anything is added to the cart, a gift card appears in the cart
The gift card should be as rewarding as possible, maybe cross out the price and put FREE in big letters next to it etc…
A message should appear that the gift card is a physical gift card that will mail separately from the order and that the gift is one per customer (not per order)
This card shouldn’t be found anywhere else on the website (though we will likely have to have it as a product)
They receive the normal confirmation email from shopify
Once the order is placed, they should receive an email separate from the order confirmation email that tells them the gift card will be sent separately (this email will include a photo of the gift card so they know what to look for in the mail)
They should receive another email once the order is shipped telling them the gift card is on the way (again including a photo of the gift card)
They receive the card in the mail
Email (and SMS for all who have opted in) reminders will be sent out Nov. 1 to all gift card holders reminding them of their balance to boost sales for November
Email and SMS AGAIN over BFCM weekend

Risks we want to mitigate:
Customers thinking that the gift card should come with their blanket in the same box
People getting more than one gift card (e.g., a person has 5 separate orders during the promotion–they should still only get one gift  card)
Gift cards getting lost in the mail
Customers writing into customer service to ask about the status or balance of their gift card – how can we automate this inquiry
Skills required

Job Activity

Total Bids: 10

Average Bid: $1,570.00



10    Bids

About This Client

Ji-hoon P.

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