Web Developer and API Integration Specialist

1. Objective:
• Develop a robust, organized, and user-friendly 3D model library from scratch by integrating the Thingiverse API. This library will serve as a central hub for 3D models, allowing users to browse, search, and be redirected to Thingiverse for downloads. The focus will be on creating a seamless, aesthetically pleasing, and efficient user experience that stands out in the market.
2. Platform:
• The website will be built from scratch using WordPress as the CMS (Content Management System), hosted on Cloudways for optimal performance and scalability.

1. API Integration and Data Handling:

• Thingiverse API Integration:
• Use the Thingiverse API to pull data, including model names, descriptions, images, tags, and download links.
• Ensure secure and efficient handling of API requests and responses.
• Establish a connection with the Thingiverse API to fetch and display data for a vast library of 3D models. The API integration will be optimized to handle large volumes of data efficiently.
• Data Management:
• Store the retrieved data on the website, ensuring it is properly cached and regularly updated.
• Automated updates should be set up to ensure the latest data from the Thingiverse API is always displayed.
• Comprehensive error handling and logging mechanisms will be implemented to quickly identify and resolve any issues with the API connection.

2. Detailed Features and User Interface (UI):

• Homepage Layout and Design:
• Search Bar:
• Positioned prominently at the top of the page, allowing users to easily search for specific 3D models using keywords. The search function will be optimized for speed and relevance, including auto-suggestions and advanced filtering options.
• Categories Section:
• A sidebar displaying all available categories, enabling users to filter models by type, popularity, or other relevant criteria. Categories will be dynamically generated based on the Thingiverse API data.
• Featured Models:
• A curated selection of models chosen by the site administrator, displayed prominently on the homepage. These models will be handpicked for their quality, uniqueness, or relevance.
• Trending Models:
• An automatically generated list of trending models based on user interactions and popularity metrics from Thingiverse. This will keep the library fresh and relevant.
• Model Display Grid:
• Models will be displayed in a grid format similar to Cult3D, with each item showing an image, title, and basic metadata. Hover effects will provide additional information without cluttering the main interface.
• Responsive Design:
• The homepage will be fully responsive, ensuring a consistent and optimized user experience across all devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

3. Model Detail Page:

• Detailed Model Information:
• Each model will have its own detail page, displaying only the photo of the model, meta tags, and title. No creator information will be included.
• Photo Click Redirect:
• Users will be redirected to the original file link where they can download the model by simply clicking the photo of the model. This ensures a seamless user experience, similar to Yeggi.
• Performance and Engagement Metrics:
• Integration of engagement metrics like view counts, download counts, and ratings, providing users with insights into the model’s popularity and quality.
• AdSense Integration:
• Strategic placement of ads on the model detail page to generate revenue. Ads will be designed to blend seamlessly with the content without disrupting the user experience.

4. Navigation and User Experience:

• Bottom Navigation Bar:
• A consistent bottom navigation bar will be included on all pages, providing quick access to key sections like Home, Categories, Trending, and Search. This enhances usability, especially on mobile devices.
• User-Friendly Interface:
• The interface will be designed to be intuitive and easy to navigate, with clear visual hierarchies and accessible options for all user levels.
• Performance Optimization:
• The library will be optimized for fast load times and smooth interactions, even with a large number of models being displayed.

5. Ads and SEO Optimization:

• Ads Optimization:
• Ensure that the website design will accommodate ads in a way that maintains a clean and visually appealing layout. Ads should blend seamlessly with the content, enhancing user experience without being intrusive.
• SEO Optimization:
• Make sure the website’s SEO is clean and organized. This includes proper structuring of meta tags, URL hierarchy, and ensuring the overall site is easily navigable for both users and search engines.

6. Future-Proofing and Scalability:

• Scalable Architecture:
• The library will be built with scalability in mind, ensuring that it can handle increased traffic and data load as the website grows.
• Future Enhancements:
• While this scope focuses on the library, the architecture will allow for easy addition of future features such as user accounts, personalized recommendations, AI-powered chatbots, and more interactive functionalities.


• Use https://m.yeggi.com/ as a reference for how the website should function.
• Use Cults3D for reference on the layout.

This complete scope ensures a clear roadmap for your freelancer, with all the key aspects covered for API integration, design, SEO, and future scalability.
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Average Bid: $450.00



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Tinashe M.

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