Web Scraping & AI Automation (Octoparse, NLP, Zapier, Monday.com)

We are seeking an experienced freelancer to develop a comprehensive, low-cost, and anonymous system that automates the identification, categorization, and integration of remote job listings from a public job platform directly into our Monday.com workspace. This project is intended as the foundation for a long-term collaboration, with plans to expand the system to additional platforms and enhance functionality over time. Payment is fixed and will be released upon the successful completion of clearly defined milestones.

The project involves several key steps. First, you will need to develop and configure a web scraping solution that regularly extracts job data from a specified public job platform. The solution should use rotating proxies such as ScraperAPI or Bright Data to maintain anonymity. The scraping tool must capture key details including job title, job description, industry or category, contact name, and a direct link to the job posting. This phase is expected to take 8 to 10 hours. The deliverable will be a fully configured and tested web scraping tool that successfully extracts the required data and ensures anonymity through the use of rotating proxies. A sample dataset should be provided to demonstrate the accuracy and completeness of the extracted data.

Next, the scraped job data needs to be processed using an AI-driven NLP tool to identify listings that are 100% remote or suitable for home office work and to categorize them by industry or job type. The tool should also identify and extract contact names where available. This phase is estimated to take 6 to 8 hours. The deliverable will be an NLP tool that has been trained, tested, and successfully categorizes jobs by industry and accurately identifies remote positions. The tool should also correctly extract contact names where available. A report should be provided showing the accuracy of the categorization and contact extraction on the sample dataset.

Following this, the extracted data must be organized into a structured format that can be easily integrated into Monday.com. This includes categorizing jobs, ensuring that contact names and job links are correctly mapped, and preparing the data for seamless import. This phase should take 4 to 6 hours. The deliverable will be a structured dataset that is formatted and ready for integration into Monday.com. The dataset should be reviewed and verified to ensure that all necessary fields are correctly populated and formatted.

Finally, the structured job data must be automatically integrated into our Monday.com board using Zapier. Additionally, Slack notifications should be set up to alert the team whenever a new relevant job is added. This phase is expected to take 6 to 8 hours. The deliverable will be a fully automated integration that imports the structured job data into Monday.com, with Slack notifications set up to alert the team of new job postings. A live demonstration of the system should be provided, showing the entire workflow from data scraping to final integration and notification.

The total estimated time for the project is 24 to 32 hours.

This project serves as the starting point for a long-term partnership. Once the initial system is successfully implemented, we plan to expand its capabilities, including scraping and processing data from additional job platforms and enhancing the system's functionality, such as adding more detailed categorizations, integrating additional automation tools, or extending the notification system.

We are looking for someone with significant experience in web scraping using tools like Octoparse and proxy services such as ScraperAPI. Expertise in NLP tools like MonkeyLearn or Google Cloud NLP is essential for accurate job filtering and categorization. Familiarity with Zapier, Monday.com, and Slack is also required to ensure seamless integration and workflow management. The final system must operate autonomously, delivering categorized and detailed job listings directly into Monday.com without manual intervention.

Final payment will be released only when the system is fully operational, meets all specified requirements, and integrates seamlessly into Monday.com. Please include examples of similar projects you have completed and outline your approach to building a fully automated, scalable, and anonymous workflow. If the initial implementation is successful, there will be ongoing opportunities to expand the system’s capabilities and extend it to new platforms, making this a long-term collaboration. The budget range for this project is between $1,200 to $2,000 on a fixed-price basis, depending on the quality and experience of the freelancer.
Skills required

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Total Bids: 5

Average Bid: $1,110.00



5    Bids

About This Client

Carlos O.

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1 jobs posted
$0.00 Total Spent
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